应我院刘三阳教授、杨丹丹老师邀请,俄罗斯Ural Federal大学Mikhail Volkov教授于10月26日上午10:30在信远二区206报告厅做了题为《Smart search: a practical facet of theoretical computer science》的学术报告。报告会由西北大学赵宪钟教授主持,我院部分老师、研究生参加了此次报告。

首先,赵宪钟教授对Mikhail Volkov教授进行了简单介绍,接着报告会正式开始。Mikhail Volkov教授介绍了实际生活中遇到的很多信息检索问题,他运用一个有趣的实例说明了如何从一个巨大的数据库中快速检索数据,从而提供一个实用的解决方案。Mikhail Volkov教授语言诙谐活泼,思路清晰新颖,实例生动有趣,报告从提出问题到解决问题步步精细,十分引人入胜,生动有趣又科学严谨,得到了大家的一致好评。报告最后,赵宪钟教授就报告内容做了精彩的总结,并对教授为大家的精心讲解表示真诚的感谢,报告圆满结束。

报告人简介:Mikhail Volkov is Federal Professor of Mathematics and Chair of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Ural Federal University in Ekaterinburg, Russia. He has held visiting positions in various universities and research institutes in Australia, Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, India, Poland, Portugal, Germany, and the USA. He is a member of the editorial board of six prominent international research journals in mathematics, has served on the organizing committee of dozens of international conferences in mathematics and theoretical computer science, and has been chief academic advisor for around 20 doctoral students and a member of the supervisory committee for over 130 other doctoral students. His primary research interests are in associative rings, automata and formal languages, combinatorics on words, computational complexity, group representations, non-associative rings, semigroups, and universal algebra. He has published prolifically, with around 140 research papers, 11 survey articles and 13 books.