应我院朱强教授邀请,蒙特克莱尔州立大学(Montclair State University,America)王大进教授6月15日下午2:30-5:00在南校区信远楼II-206报告厅作了题为“Structural connectivity and generalized d-connectivity of networks ”的学术报告。此次报告由朱强教授主持。

王教授首先为大家介绍了蒙特克莱尔州立大学的校史、位置和环境等基本情况。报告正式开始,王教授从故障诊断背景引入,随着科技的发展,多处理器系统中包含处理器数目越来越多。即便每个处理器的可靠度能达到99.99%,在拥有上万台处理器的系统中,发生故障的概率也是不容忽视的。然后,王教授以PMC模型为例简洁易懂的介绍了系统及诊断、t-可诊断度及不可诊断等概念。为了让大家更好的理解可诊断和不可诊断的概念,王教授分别罗列出了3圈中有且仅有一个或两个故障节点时所有可能出现诊断结果,发现当仅有一个故障节点时,系统共有3种故障情形和12种诊断结果,每种诊断结果均是唯一出现的,因此经过一次测试后,根据出现的测试结果可以确定所故障的节点,因此3圈系统是1-可诊断的。当系统中有两个故障节点时,共有3种故障情形和48种诊断结果,每两个故障情形所对应诊断结果中都有重复。因此3圈系统不是2-可诊断的。随后,给出了t-可诊断与顶点数、连通度相关的充分条件。最后,在超立方体等网络中展示了Structure Connectivity和Substructure Connectivity这一新提出的概念及其相关的性质和理论。最后王老师介绍了推广的t连通度的研究历史及现在的一些进展。

Dajin Wang received the B.Eng. degree in computer engineering from Shanghai University of Science and Technology in 1982, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1990. Since 1990 he has been with the Department of Computer Science at Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey. He became a full professor of computer science in 2002. He received several university awards for his scholarly accomplishments. He has held visiting positions in other universities, and has consulted in industry. His main research interests include interconnection networks, fault tolerant computing, algorithmic robotics, parallel processing, and wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. He has published over eighty papers in these areas. Many of his works appeared in premier journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE TPDS, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, J. of Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Parallel Computing. He has served on the program committees of influential conferences. He served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems from 2010 to 2014.