报告题目: 分 枝 过 程 及 其 应 用
(Branching Processes and their Applications)
报 告 人: Vladimir VATUTIN教授
邀 请 人: 董从造 副教授
报告时间: 5月9日、11日、12日、16日、18日下午2:30-3:30
报告地点: 信远楼II206数统院报告厅

报告人简介:Vatutin教授1974年取得莫斯科Lomonosov国立大学学士学位;1977、1987年在俄罗斯科学院Steklov数学研究所分别获得硕士学位和数学与物理学博士学位。Vatutin教授1988年获前苏联科学院数学突出成果奖,1988年至今为Steklov数学研究所杰出研究员。在Annals of Probability,Probability Theory and Related Fields,Stochastic Processes and their Applications等国际一流杂志上发表多篇论文,迄今发表文章160余篇,出版学术专著3部(Branching Processes, Random Walks, and Related Problems,Branching Bellman-Harris Processes,Branching Processes and their Applications)。在2014年国际数学家大会等大型国际会议上作几十场学术报告,得到美国、德国、法国、澳大利亚、瑞典等国家的科研资助。
曾任知名杂志Stochastic Processes and their Applications编委,现任Markov Processes and Related Fields,Theory of Probability and its Applications,Discrete Mathematics and Applications,Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica等多个国际期刊的编委。
报告摘要:The short course is devoted to some aspects of the theory of branching processes. We will split it into five lectures.
Lecture1:Extinction of populations: from dynasties to North Atlantic whales. Historical introduction. Extinction of families (theories of Lamark and Darwin), epidemic models, problems of vaccination, mitochondrial DNA. Galton-Watson processes: classification, basic limit theorems. Theoretical models of PCR.
Lecture2:Reduced processes. The distance to the most recent ancestor. Continuoustime Markov branching processes: classification.
Lecture3:Branching processes counted by random characteristics. Queueing systems as branching processes.
Lecture4:Multitype branching processes: classification, basic limit theorems. Composition of populations. Polling queueing systems as branching processes. Decomposable branching processes. Island models.
Lecture5:Branching processes in random environment