报告题目:Computing t-relaxed chromatic numbers of some special classes of graphs
报告人:林文松 教授 (东南大学)

邀请人:张欣 副教授、朱强 教授
报告时间:2018年5月7日10:00 – 11:00
报告人简介:东南大学数学学院教授、博士生导师。长期从事运筹学方面的教学和科研工作。主要研究方向:图论及其应用、组合最优化。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,主持江苏省自然科学基金面上项目1项。已在J. of Graph Theory,J. of Combin. Theory Ser. B., European J. Combin., Discrete Appl. Math.,Discrete Math., J. of Combin. Optim.,Inf. Proc. Lett.,Taiwanese J. of Math.,Inter. J. of Computer Math., Ars Combin.等刊物发表论文五十余篇。
Let be a graph and a nonnegative integer. Suppose is a mapping from to the vertex set of . If, for any vertex of , the number of neighbors of with is less than or equal to , then is called a -relaxed -coloring of . And is said to be -colorable. The -relaxed chromatic number of , denote by , is defined as the minimum integer such that is -colorable. In this talk, we discuss the -relaxed chromatic numbers of some special classes of graphs.