报告题目:Some Extremal Problems on the Spectral Radius of Graphs and Hypergraphs
报告人:陆临渊 教授 美国南卡罗来纳大学

邀请人:兰静芬 博士
Linyuan Lu’s research is in large information networks, probabilistic methods, spectral theory on graphs and hypergraphs, random graphs, extremal problems on hypergraphs and posets, algorithms, and graph theory. He has authored about 80 papers and one book. He has solved a Erdos-prized problem. He has delivered over 80 invited talks in North America, Europe, and China. He is a professor at the University of South Carolina, editors of Journal of Combinatorics, and Order.
The spectral radius of a graph or hypergraph is the largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix or adjacency tensor. We are interested in a set of extremal problems related to the spectral radius. For example, which trees with given diameter have the smallest spectral radius? Which connected hypergraphs with given number of vertices have small spectral radius? Which hypergraphs with given number of edges have the largest spectral radius? In this talk, I will provide some partial results to these questions. There are still many unknown cases. (Joint work with Jingfen Lan, Shoudong Man, and Shuliang Bai.)