报告题目: From Leaving Adequate Leeway (留有余地) to Leaving Optimal Leeway -- A Mathematical Point of View
报告人:Jian Ren, Associate Professor, Michigan State University

邀请人:刘红卫 教授
报告时间:2018年7月5日 15:00
报告人简介:Jian Ren received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Xidian University, China. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan State University. Prior to joining MSU, Dr. Ren was the Leading Secure Architect at Avaya Lab (2000-2002), Bell Lab (1998-2000) and Racal Datacom (1997-1998). Dr. Ren's research interests include network security, secure and energy efficient wireless sensor network protocol design, distributed storage, cloud computing and big data security and privacy. Dr. Ren received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award in 2009. He served as the TPC Chair of ICNC'17 and General Chair of ICNC'18. He serves as the Executive Chair of ICNC since 2018. Dr. Ren is a senior member of the IEEE.
报告摘要:Leaving leeway or 留有余地 is not only a philosophy and basic requirement of everyday life, but also a fundamental principle in engineering design. This talk will illustrate the importance of leeway from communication reliability and verifiability. We will compare the well planed leeway with the afterthought probabilistic based approach in terms of overhead and flexibility. Finally, we will discuss one of our research that determines the optimal leeway in code design for efficient and reliable distributed data storage. I hope that this talk will inspire young scholars with strong mathematics background to develop career beyond their comfort zone and become successful future engineers.