Mathematics in Real Life
报 告 人:Vladimir Vatutin 教授 ( 概率论国际知名专家)

报告摘要: The fact that mathematics is both the language and the main tool of natural Sciences and technology, is known to everybody. Mathematics plays this role in physics, from theory to applications, and in the implementation of space flight, and in the taming of atomic energy, and in the life of the computer world. The importance of mathematics in disciplines such as medicine or linguistics is less obvious.
But even the person who guesses about a significant mathematical "component" in various fields of activity, can not always assess the degree of dependence of these areas on mathematics. For instance, do all the people know how mathematics is applied to crushing kidney stones? Or how the GPS system calculates coordinates of our location? Or why the high cost of modern computer tomographs is no longer related to the engineering complexity of the structures?
In my short talk I’ll try to show by this and other (sometimes simple) examples that we rather often do not see importance of mathematics in the real life. To understand the content of the talk no prior knowledge (except the standard school mathematics course) is required.
报告人简介:Vatutin教授1974年取得莫斯科Lomonosov国立大学学士学位;1977年、1987年在俄罗斯科学院Steklov数学研究所分别获得硕士学位和数学与物理学博士学位。Vatutin教授1988年获数学突出成果奖,1988年至今为Steklov数学研究所杰出研究员。在Annals of Probability,Probability Theory and Related Fields,Stochastic Processes and their Applications等国际一流杂志上发表多篇论文,迄今发表文章170余篇,出版学术专著7部(Probabilistic Methods in Physical Research (1985); Branching Processes(1993), Probability and Statistics in Problems(2003);Branching Processes in Biology: Evolution, Growth and Extinction (2005); Discrete Time Branching Processes in Random Environment (2017)等)。在2014年国际数学家大会等大型国际会议上作过几十场学术报告,得到了美国、德国、法国、澳大利亚、瑞典等国家的科研资助。曾任知名期刊Stochastic Processes and their Applications编委,现任Markov Processes and Related Fields,Theory of Probability and Its Applications, Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica等多个国际期刊的副主编和编委。Vatutin教授2016年首次访问西安电子科技大学,目前是北京师范大学和我校“一带一路”项目的高端外专。