报告题目:Fascination of Probability Theory
报告人:Alexander Iksanov,教授,乌克兰基辅大学

报告人简介:Dr. Alexander Iksanov is now professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU), and since 2014, is the Head of Operations Research Department of KNU. Professor Iksanov has been teaching at the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics of KNU ever since 1996 and was awarded the degree of full professor in 2011. Earning the degree of a specialist in applied mathematics from KNU in 1995, professor Iksanov defended his PhD (statistics of shot noise processes) and habilitation (fixed points of the smoothing transforms) theses in 2000.
Professor Iksanov is the Associate Editor of the journal "Theory of Stochastic Processes" and the member of two research councils in Kyiv for PhD and habilitation defenses. Since 2001, Dr. Iksanov has been a recipient of numerous fellowships granted by Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, and so on. In June of 2017 he delivered a 48-hour graduate course at Xidian University titled Elements of Renewal Theory with Applications.
According to Mathscinet, professor Iksanov is the author of 78 publications. In terms of Google Scholar his h-index is 19, the number of citations is 1152. He has published 2 monographs, written over 10 lecture notes, and authored more than 70 research articles in various international probability journals such as Annals of Probability, Annals of Applied Probability, Bernoulli, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, etc.
The research scope of professor Iksanov includes:
(1)Random Discrete Structures (Random Compositions, Coalescents, Branching Random Walk with Complex Parameter etc.);
(2)Functional Limit Theorems;
(3)Random Processes with Immigration;
(4)Random Walk in a Sparse Random Environment; and
(5)Applications of the Renewal Theory.
My talk is, to some extent, an advertisement of Probability Theory. It is intended for students who are familiar with mathematics but not specialized in Probability Theory. In the introductory part of the talk I discuss three areas in which Probability Theory seems inevitable. In the main part of the talk I show how several mathematical problems, not originally related to Probability, can be effectively solved with the help of probabilistic reasoning.