报告题目:Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Shifting Habitats
报 告 人:王佳兵 副教授 中国地质大学(武汉)
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邀 请 人:吴事良
报告时间:2020年10月22日(周四) 16:30-17:30
腾讯会议ID:612 812 542
报告人简介:王佳兵,2018年6月在兰州大学获理学博士学位,入选中国地质大学(武汉)“地大学者”岗位---青年优秀人才,任数学与物理学院副教授,硕士生导师。研究领域为微分方程与动力系统,主要从事反应扩散方程、非局部动力系统等方面的研究工作,部分成果发表在JNS,JDE,DCDS,JDDE,ZAMP,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,Proc. Royal. Soc. Edinburgh A,Sci. China Math. 等SCI刊物,并担任美国数学会《Mathematical Reviews(数学评论)》评论员以及Nonlinearity, AML, PAMS, JMAA等SCI期刊的审稿人。现主持一项国家自然科学基金青年项目。
报告摘要:Climate changes caused by global warming, industrialization and overdevelopment have led to the shifting of habitats for biological species and seriously threatened and destroyed the ecological environment and biological diversity. In this talk, I will discuss the impacts of the shifting habitats on the propagation dynamics of various species which adopt long-distance diffusion strategy modeled by a Fisher-KPP equation and a Lotka-Volterra competition/cooperative system with nonlocal dispersal. This talk is based on joint works with Profs. Wan-Tong Li (Lanzhou U.), Shao-Xia Qiao(Lanzhou U.), Chufen Wu (Foshan U.) and Xiao-Qiang Zhao (Memorial U. of Newfoundland).