报告题目:Dynamics of an Intraguild Predation Food Web Model with Strong Allee Effect in the
Basal Prey
报 告 人:白定勇 教授 广州大学
照 片:

邀 请 人:常永奎
报告时间:2020年10月26日(周一) 15:40-16:40
腾讯会议ID:380 9958 9768
报告人简介:白定勇,广州大学数学与信息科学学院教授,分别于1995年和1998年毕业于西北师范大学,获学士学位和硕士学位,2006年于中山大学获博士学位,2012年4月至7月加拿大老瑞尔大学访问学者,2014年9月至2015年9月美国亚利桑那州立大学访问学者。研究方向泛函微分方程及生物数学。主持多项省部级项目。在Nonlinear Anal. RWA, Nonlinear Anal. TMA, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Comput. Math. Appl., Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., Appl. Math. Lett., Discrete Cont Dynam. Syst.-S, J. Biol. Dynam., Appl. Math. Model., Appl. Math. Comput., Bound.Value Probl., Adv. Difference Equ.等期刊上发表学术论文二十多篇。
报告摘要:Intraguild predation (IGP) is a ubiquitous and important community module in nature and Allee effect has strong impacts on population dynamics. In this talk, we propose a three-species IGP food web model consisted of IG predator, IG prey and basal prey, in which the basal prey follows a logistic growth with strong Allee effect. We investigate the local and global dynamics of the model with emphasis on the impacts of strong Allee effect. First, positivity and boundedness of solutions are studied. Then the existence and stability of boundary and interior equilibria are presented and the Hopf bifurcation curve at an interior equilibrium is given. In order to explore the impacts of Allee effect, the parameter space is classified into sixteen different regions and, in each region, the number of interior equilibria is determined and the corresponding bifurcation diagrams on the Allee threshold are given. The extinction parameter regions of at least one species and the necessary coexistence parameter regions of all three species are provided. By theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, the model can have one (i.e., extinction of all species), two (i.e., bi-stability) or three (i.e., tri-stability) attractors. It is also found by simulations that when there exists a unique stable interior equilibrium, the model may generate multiple attracting periodic orbits and the coexistence of all three species is enhanced. Our results indicate that the proposed model exhibits rich and complex dynamic behaviors and the strong Allee effect in the basal prey increases the extinction risk of not only the basal prey but also the IG prey or/and IG predator. This is a joint work with Yun Kang, Shigui Ruan and Lisha Wang.