报告题目:Spatiotemporal transmission dynamics for influenza disease in a heterogenous environment
报 告 人:王玮明 教授 淮阴师范学院
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邀 请 人:李善兵 常永奎
报告时间:2020年11月8日(周日) 8:00-9:00
报告地点: 西电南校区信远II区206
报告摘要:In this talk, we propose an SIRS influenza model with general incidence rate to describe disease transmission in a heterogeneous environment. The basic reproduction number R0is defined for the model, which can be used to govern the threshold dynamics of influenza disease: if R0< 1, the unique disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotic stable and there is no endemic equilibrium, while R0> 1, there is at least one endemic equilibrium and the disease is uniformly persistent. Epidemiologically, we find that the spatial heterogeneity can enhance the infectious risk of the influenza and thus, in order to control the spread of the influenza, we must increase the recovery rate and the spatial heterogeneity in the transmission rate, or people should change their travelling plan and stay at home to reduce the value of the diffusion coefficient.