报告题目: Effects of isolation and slaughter strategies in different species on emerging zoonoses
报 告 人:崔景安 教授 北京建筑大学
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邀 请 人:白振国
报告时间:2020年11月18日(周三) 14:20-15:20
报告地点:腾讯会议ID:498 542 182
报告人简介: 崔景安,博士,教授,博士生导师。中国数学学会理事,生物数学专业委员会主任,北京市学术创新团队负责人,《International Journal of Biomathematics》编委、《生物数学学报》常务编委。主要研究生物数学中的传染病动力学模型,生物动力系统,生态与传染病灾害预警与防范。主持国家自然科学基金项目6项,发表学术论文120余篇。主要教学科研成果获得了教育部自然科学奖一等奖1项、教育部自然科学奖二等奖2项,北京市教育教学成果奖一等奖1项。
报告摘要: Zoonosis is the kind of infectious disease transmitting among different species by zoonotic pathogens. Different species play different roles in zoonoses. Here, we established several cross-species models to describe the zoonotic pathogen transmission from wildlife, to domestic animals, to humans. Then we put three strategies into the basic model to control the emerging zoonoses. Three strategies are corresponding to control measures of isolation, slaughter or similar in wildlife, domestic animals and humans respectively. We analyzed the effects of these three strategies on control reproductive numbers and equilibriums and we took avian influenza epidemic in China as an example to show the impacts of the strategies on emerging zoonoses in different areas at beginning.