Title 2:Random Vibrations and the Consequences of White Noise Process Disturbance in Machines
报告人:Natasa Trisovic 教授 贝尔格莱德大学

腾讯会议ID:454 872 768
报告人简介:塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德大学机械工程学院教授,CEEPUS(Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) 计划成员,捷克工程大学力学工程学院客座教授(2009),波西尼亚巴尼亚卢卡大学力学工程学院客座教授(2010,2012),斯洛伐克科技大学力学工程学院客座教授,美国莱斯大学MEMS学院客座教授(2012-2014),EUREKA 计划 和ESPRIT 项目成员,塞尔维亚结构完整性与生命协会成员,塞尔维亚力学学会秘书长,研究方向为理论与应用力学,主要集中于对结构系统振动疲劳可靠性的数值研究。发表学术论文60多篇,参加项目10余项。
Abstract:Control system applied to the direct current - DC motor is proposed in this presentation. Firstly, the theoretical foundations of vibrations, noise processes, probability functions and other derivations related to the topic's subject are given. Then, real object is presented and nonlinear system's model is calculated. Finally, after the model has been verified, the experiment was made. Feedback linearizing controller has been applied to the real object with simulated disturbances. System's response with and without disturbance are compared and nonlinear control system has been proven.