报告题目:Thermal convection in superposed free flow and porous media: analysis and numerics
报 告 人:王晓明 教授 南方科技大学

We discuss thermal convection in a fluid layer overlying a saturated porous media based on the Navier-Stokes-Darcy-Boussinesq (NSDB) model with appropriate interface boundary conditions.
We first discuss the relationship between various seemingly competing interfacial conditions at the physically important small Darcy number regime. The stability of the pure conduction state at small Rayleigh number is introduced next. The loss of stability of the pure conduction state as the Rayleigh number crosses a threshold value is studied via a hybrid approach that combines analysis with numerical computation. In particular, we discover that the transition between shallow and deep convection associated with the variation of the ratio of free-flow to porous media depth is accompanied by the change of the most unstable mode from the lowest possible horizontal wave number to higher wave numbers which could occur with variation of the height ratio as well as the Darcy number and the ratio of thermal diffusivity among others. We propose a coarse-grained theory for the transition between shallow and deep convection and validate the coarse theory by comparing to direct numerical simulation and other works. Numerical methods that decouples the heat, the free flow, the porous media flow while maintaining energy stability are presented as well.