报告题目:Managerial Behavior in Revenue Management
报告人:李猛 副教授 休斯顿大学

报告人简介:李猛,休斯顿大学C.T. Bauer商学院副教授,Bauer Human-Centered AI实验室主任。现主要研究领域为以人为本的人工智能。文章发表在《Management Science》,《Manufacturing and Service Operations Management》,《Operations Research》,《Production and Operations Management》,《Journal of operations Management》,《Strategic Management Journal》和《Nature Sustainability》等管理领域顶级期刊。担任《Production and Operations Management》高级编辑和《Decision Sciences Journal》主编。
报告摘要:This talk consists of two papers. In the first paper “managerial regret and inventory pricing,” we study a regretful seller’s problem of selling a fixed number of goods over a finite and known time horizon. The seller engages in counterfactual thinking to compare her selected price with other forgone alternatives. If a forgone alternative (ex post) generates a better outcome than the selected one, then the seller experiences regret. Interestingly, we find that the seller who has a greater number of goods does not necessarily receive greater revenue. In the second paper “mental accounting in allocating capacity,” we study a seller’s problem of allocating a limited resource to different customer segments who arrive sequentially. In this context, the seller engages inmental accounting by valuing revenue from different customers differently. In particular, the seller may overvalue or undervalue future consumers. Interestingly, we find that the sellers endowed with an additional customer segment do not necessarily have a higher revenue, depending on the type of mental accounting.