报告题目:On spectra of some completely positive maps
报告人:李愿教授 陕西师范大学
报告摘要:We study the completely positive maps defined on the Banach space of all bounded linear operators and its restriction to the Banach space of all compact operators. The relationship of the boundary eigenvalues and the spectra of these two class maps are established. In particular, the spectra of completely positive maps involving the unilateral shift are described.

报告人简介:李愿,陕西师范大学best365亚洲版登录教授,博士生导师。研究方向:算子理论及其应用。在《J Func Anal》,《Houston J.Math》, 《J Math Phys》,《B Lond Math Soc》,《数学学报》等国内外数学与物理主流期刊上发表论文50余篇。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,主持完成陕西省自然科学基础研究项目1项。获陕西省自然科学二等奖一项(第二完成人)。