报告题目:Hospital Readmissions by Variation in Engagement in the Health Care Hotspotting Trial

报告人简介:杨强,前Camden Coalition资深数据科学家,高级数据经理。2015年毕业于美国杜兰大学(Tulane University),获得博士学位。博士期间师从Dr. Lisa Fauci,主要从事计算流体力学的研究。2016年加入Camden Coalition,负责医学干预项目的基金申请,设计与评估以及数据的处理,数据平台的建立工作。过去7年内,负责评估医学项目超过15项,申请获得多项项目基金,包括联邦政府机构,如美国自然科学基金,美国医学战略中心基金,美国家庭服务中心基金以及社会多个基金会的基金。主要学术成果发表在具有高影响力的期刊上,如Journal of Fluid Mechanics, JAMA Network Open。
报告摘要:This talk reports the secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the Camden Core Model. The Camden Coalition received support in 2012 from the US centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to design, refine and test their care management intervention models. In June 2014, the Camden Coalition collaborated with JPAL at MIT to run a RCT to test the model, where the main result published in 2019 showed no significant treatment effect. From 2019 to 2023, the Camden Coalition collaborated with a research team at the Kaiser Permanente to perform a secondary analysis by taking into considerations of the variations of intervention “dosage” received by patients in the trial with a newly created method called “distillation method”. This method allows researchers to dig into and evaluate the intervention dosage without damaging the randomization. This talk discusses the trial, the distillation method and the results.