报告题目:Phase transition and mobility edge
报告人:周麒 教授 南开大学

报告时间:2024年4月30日(周二) 9:00
报告人简介: 周麒,南开大学陈省身数学研究所教授,国家级青年人才项目入选者,曾获天津市杰出青年基金。研究领域为动力系统与数学物理,主要研究方向为拟周期薛定谔算子谱理论。已在 Duke Math. J., Adv. Math., J. Math. Pures Appl., Phy. Rev. Lett., Comm. Math. Phys.等期刊发表多篇论文。
摘要:Phase transition means that when the physical parameter of the system change, the physical properties of the system suddenly change at a parameter point, and the parameter point is called the phase transition point. Mobility edge means that the existence of different energy regions in a determined physical system makes particles in different energy regions show different motion states, and the boundary point between these regions is called mobility edge. Phase transition and mobility edge are important research objects of quantum physics. Mathematically, this corresponds to the sudden change of spectral properties of Schrodinger operator with parameter or energy. In this talk, we propose several class of exactly solvable models which host different kinds of mobility edges (MEs),propose their experimental realization and also discuss its rigorous proof.