报告题目:Quantum linear algebra
报告人:景乃桓 教授 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学

邀请人:杨丹丹 教授
报告摘要:We consider matrices with entries from a noncommutative coordinate ring of the quantum semigroup. I will explain what are the right relations for the matrix entries to define the quantum determinant and quantum Pfaffian. In particular, the square root of the quantum determinant is no longer the quantum Pfaffian. Instead it is a new kind of determinant called the Sklyanin determinant, an extremely useful notion from quantum integrable systems and quantum groups. We will show that many classically well-known identities (such as Jacobi, Cayley-Hamilton, Muir, Sylvester etc) are available for the Sklyanin determinant and the quantum Pfaffian.