报告题目1:Bluff body shapes and roughness in the vortex induced vibration energy harvesting
报告题目2:Mode conversion mechanism in the vortex induced vibration energy harvesting
报告人: Grzegorz Andrzej Litak, Lublin University of Technology

报告时间:2024年9月5日,9:30(第一场);10:30 (第二场)
报告人简介: Prof. Litak is the Head of Department of Automation at Lublin University of Technology. He focused on nonlinear dynamics of systems, including bifurcation theory, chaotic dynamics and nonlinear time series analysis. He was also involved in mechanical energy harvesting. In 2016-2018, he was also a professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology. He published over 350 papers including about 310 in international journals. He actively collaborates with many researchers from various countries around the world. He is the member of the Polish Physical Society, European Physical Society, Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Euromech. He was also the contractor and manager of many national and international projects.
报告摘要1:The present study investigates the effect of various geometrical shapes of a bluff body and its surface roughness on the performance of a vibration energy harvesting system. The shape of the bluff body plays a crucial role in determining its vibration characteristics, such as the amplitude and frequency of vibration. It is responsible for the vortex shredding and the effect of surface roughness would impact the dynamic behavior of vortices and resulting in enhancing or suppressing the performance of a bluff body oscillation. The roughness parameter will be introduced only on upper surface whereas the lower surface has been maintained smooth and vice versa.
报告摘要2: Vortex induced vibration (VIV) is a typical Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) phenomenon, which occurs in the fields of wind engineering, nuclear engineering, renewable energy engineering, ocean engineering, and so on. The effects of the asymmetric flow conditions on vibration characteristics and harvesting performance were investigated, and the vortex shedding characteristic and mode conversion mechanism were revealed by CFD simulation. Numerical model of two Side-by-side cylinders was also proposed and studied. The effects of important parameters were discussed.