报告题目:AR-conjecture on stable equivalences for centralizer algebras
报告人:惠昌常 教授 首都师范大学

邀请人:杨丹丹 教授
报告人简介:惠昌常,首都师范大学特聘教授,博士生导师,国家级人才。博士毕业于联邦德国Bielefeld 大学;曾获教育部科技进步二等奖、德国“年轻杰出学者洪堡奖”;在代数表示论、同调代数、导出范畴、代数 K-理论等学科取得了出色的研究成果,在Adv. Math、J. Rein Ang. Math、Proc. LMS、Tran AMS、Math. Ann.、Comm. Math. Phys.、Sci. China Math.等国际数学刊物发表论文 90多篇,多次在国际代数学术会议作大会报告、主持和参加国家自然科学基金重点项目任《Journal of Algebra》、《Archiv der Mathematik》等国际数学杂志编委.
报告摘要:In the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras, homological conjectures form a core set of problems. One of the mostprominent conjectures in this system of closely related conjectures is the Auslander-Reiten/Auslander-Alperin conjecture: Stably equivalent algebras have the same number of non-isomorphic non-projective simple modules. Though a lot of efforts has been made in the last decades, the conjecture still remains unsolved up to date. In this talk, we will show that the conjecture holds true for centralizer algebras of matrices. Moreover, we add some new invariants of stable equivalences of Artin algebras. The talk reports some results jointly with Jin Zhang, and with Jinbi Zhang.